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Edited by GreenBlazes: 7/14/2015 6:33:32 PM

How to Save the Crucible

I absolutely LOVE Destiny. That said, I've been on the fence recently about my commitment to Destiny given all the drama that has occurred in the last month or so. However, I decided to stick with it through the year and do everything in my power to provide Bungie with some honest, thought-out feedback to the issues. I am not here to complain; I want to offer solutions. So... for my first post I would like to address what I see to be a relatively simple fix for Crucible (without getting into a gun balancing meta rant). We all remember Halo and the kind of PvP experience that Bungie defined through years of iterating on the same concept. Unfortunately it seems they did not learn what made those games so great. They gave the game to the player and let them do what they wanted. Now that Bungie has a game that they can mold as the player plays it, they are being too controlling. They don't let their players create private matches against one another and they only let people play certain game types during certain weeks. The fact that Private Matchmaking wasn't available on launch blows my mind since basically every other shooter (including Bungie's past games) offer this to their players. Currently there is no way in Destiny to setup a match where I can play against my friends or rivals. Bungie is forcing all the players to play together through random matchups based on some unknown algorithm (skill, wins, combat score? who knows). I am in no way against playing other people to test my metal, but with no way to directly setup matches, it cripples the PvP experience for no reason. Why have a clan for PvP if you cant even challenge other Clans? This really hurts those who want to play the Crucible competitively or even professionally as an eSport. They simply CAN'T do it. As for the casual audience and/or newcomers who just want to play Crucible for fun, all they can do is hope they don't get match made with a team all wielding Thorns and TLWs. They feel forced to play against people out of their league when they aren't even wanting to join the hardcore competitive scene. Private Matchmaking would allow these gamers to play against JUST their friends or setup rules (probably just on the honor system) to use only legendary (no exotics) weapons. Or melee only. Or any other number of fun variations to the Crucible formula. They get to choose what game type they want, what level they want, and enjoy the game how they want to enjoy it. This ability alone would add 1000s of hours of re-playability to Destiny. We know that Bungie has the ability to do this. We have seen their streams where they setup games... on chosen levels... with preset opponents. Why can't WE do that? There are virtually no issues to this proposal. Simply disabling XP gain, bounties, and grimoire contributions would resolve most, if not all, of the possible exploits. In addition to all of that, Bungie needs to make ALL Crucible game types available at ALL times. There is absolutely no reason to only offer certain modes on certain weeks. Hey Bungie, your player base has a life outside of Destiny (I hope) and can't always be on every single week. Let people play what they want when they want. If I am in a Artifact mood, let me play it. If I would rather try out my new Scout Rifle and Sniper in Combined Arms, let me do so. I understand trying out NEW game modes in this temporary way, or having special events like the Iron Banner. Just don't keep pieces of the game on a time lock for no good reason. I know there are more issues in the Crucible than I mentioned above but I am trying to offer Bungie some advice that should be VERY easy to implement. As a developer myself I know how even simple changes can introduce bugs or unforeseen issues. I still think its worth the effort. How about you guys? The community? Let me know what you think of these suggestions. I plan on posting more in the days and weeks ahead. thanks! [b]greenblazes[/b]

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  • Hi this post carefully! Greenblazes has it JUST RIGHT. This suggestion is a no brained and might actually keep more of us involved in Destiny and advocates of Bungie.

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