Ask me anything.
Please send help.
How do your fingers smell??
What's your gun of choice?~
If you know you may die in TTK will you do anything about it?
How does it feel being the only known male awoken in a female dominant society? :p
I can smell you
Is it true? Sex with your sister? Does she get really wet?
You look like a douche in the storyline. You better become awesome and give me sexy weapons
Ur sister is hot btw
Ur sister is really hot though, undeniable.
hey Uldren why are you such a dick to us when we first show up? You some kind of racist?
u gay?
Uldren! Where are you?? [spoiler]like if you get the referenece[/spoiler]
Where is the queen
Bro do you even get through exclusion zones?
You seem like a dedicated and competent solider but why are you such a dick?
I've heard incest is best, is that true?
Is it okay to think that Awoken are nothing but sparkly elves?
Did you see your face in the TTK trailer? The Dreadnought went, BOOOSH You went, AAGHHH! I went , HAHAHAHHAAHAA!
How's it feel Crow? *leans in close and whispers in ear" Bein' a bitch? >:)
What are the crows?? Also how did you come to command them?
Hey uldren how you doing?
I hope you die in the space battle dick
Be afraid of Oryx!
Is your mom as hot as your sis?
Is dinklebot ur basterd child with the queen?
Why you in the trailer you scrub.