Bet you thought you'd never see me again.
Any advice, future self?
Edit: [spoiler]Ahh I leave for a few days and I'm swamped with past mes! This is pretty great.[/spoiler]
Wouldnt change a thing
Also off yourself once you get the gun and put full pressure on the trigger I only put a little pressure on the trigger and I couldn't do it....
Edited by ♡ブレイク♡: 7/22/2015 10:38:06 PMWhen it's Halloween night and you go into that abandoned house with that one person don't do it....
Watch Danmachi other wise known as (English) is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon. You will know my disappointment because there is only one season.
Don't do it...
You're going to fall in love with a girl that is 1 ft taller than you, and you will fail. You will try 2 different times with two different girls and fail again. Then you will fall in love with a girl that apparently likes you a bit but you will never find out because she falls out of love with you if she even was in the first place. Point being, DONT TRY GETTING A GF UNTIL 10th GRADE; YOU WILL FALL INTO DEPRESSION :O
Keep watching anime before you start missing out too much. Don't lose interest in maths!
Don't be an asshole
You know that girl that looks like the girl you currently like? Yeah, you're going to go out with her, and then she'll take your virginity. I know you're only 14 but remember to pull out even with a condom. The condom will break on the 4th or 5th time. Good luck!
Learn social things, else be the one guy who didn't know what a girl was until he was 8 because he had a gamecube.
Murder Alex and burn his body
DO NOT. Donate your organs to science. EVER. Kindest are fcking expensive.
You know that kid that bullied you In Mexico give him a punch to his left eye today he is blind.
Do not eat the shaving cream!!!
Dont drop out of highschool. Dont drop the soap. Dont drop your load on jimmys chest. *Drops mic*
Play more crucible, use no land beyond
Dnt b a fgt
Beware of the boogeyninja hiding under your bed
Tell your dad good bye before he dies when you turn 14. You'll regret not doing it later.
Don't be me.
Spend time with your brother.
Don't get fùcking married, stay single!!!
Most of the girls you meet irl,don't bother texting them cuz they won't reply.The people you meet online are pretty nice though
Make the hero get all 4 books, but don't gove Shalidor back his island. Instead, make them bang a Flesh Atronarch and then just slowly and brutally slaughter all of them.
Work out eat smart and watch out for disingenuous bitches working at the library ain't not pussy for you!!!#
Next time you see that douche-canoe, make sure to punch him in the dick.