Your country has many poisonous snakes and dangerous predators yet you are unable to own an ar15 or ak platform, you are the bastard product of generations of criminals barred from their own countries, your beer tastes like feet water, you are an only child because a dingo ate your brother and sister before you were born. Being ginger you have no soul and the fourth reign of the master race will destroy you and your kind.
I take it as a badge of pride that we have the most deadly animals in my country. It's true that we can't keep firearms on our property without proper permits and handling, but this doesn't bother me as I'm not really interested in owning a firearm. ;) My sister was attacked by a dog once, but she survived. I'm aware I descended from someone deported from Britain, and I'm also aware that Fosters is terrible, haha. As for the soul? I've been doing fine without it, thus far. ;)
But, Australia was nearly brought to her knees by our lowly bunny rabbits!
Thank god for the myxoma virus, then. ;)
That was just cheating, really.
It's only cheating if someone broke a rule. :P