Nope, more my lack of entertainment. I have no ego to speak of, really. ;)
You said you might be cocky but not stupid. This is a classic case of using passive mental state reinforcement to solidify your confidence that you are superior and in control. Or more on your levels terms, ego boosting. And then when called out on it you pass it off as just a bit of fun. This isn't just entertainment, you're either trying to prove something to others or yourself. Anyways think about all the failures that you have done in such a short amount of time and then reply once you have a satisfactory answer. If you feel like you have one click on the spoiler. But. Don't click on the spoiler until you are ready. Otherwise. You'll never get the answer. And. I'll know if you clicked or not. So will the spoiler. [spoiler] Loading.. [/spoiler]
I clicked the spoiler, my curiosity got the better of me! Haha.