You will get a passing grade when you can tell the community when dedicated servers are coming.
And also, get that Grimore up. 2500 is pathetic. Just saying, if you're going to be speaking for me, you should be on my level. No hate. Just the facts.
[spoiler]and get super thick skin. Us day ones are going to ride you hard....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]although you are considerably better at Crucible than the other guy, what's his name lol....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]OMG three of the same character. SMH, all hope is lost....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]and I hope you play more often than your history suggests. Haven't touched two characters in over two weeks, and the other has been idle for 4 days. Do you even Destiny bro?[/spoiler]
I second this statement.