I have an ill Will that I picked up last night and rolled it to get Luck in the Chamber and Final Round (a poor man's Hawkmoon as I am on Xbone).
The middle perks are less than satisfactory. Basically all are armor piercing or heavy hitting that decreases stability or handling to some degree.
I also have a fulcrum that I've yet to roll. Can I get luck in the chamber and final round on that as well? I would like to keep my ill Will as it is just in case.
Thanks everyone.
Equipped on Hunter now
This is going to come out of left field, but I really like my "Up the Ante" from the crucible vendor and no one seems to talk about that hand cannon. Mine has zen moment, spray and play, and braced frame. It has the exact same rate of fire, impact, and stability as my The Last Word but MORE range, reload, and magazine (12 base, 10 with braced frame). Obviously is missing the damage bonus but otherwise very well-rounded gun. I prefer the higher ROF/medium impact hand cannons and this one is perfect for that style! You can check it out on my warlock.