Aren't we dancing together?
Will you teach me?
How much money do you have to throw at me?
How much money will fit in your undies?
Why would I put money in my undies when I have a wallet?
Are you going to put your money where your mouth is?
Why do you have to have the best comeback in this forum?
that was a good match to watch :)
Why did you enjoy watching us talk about my undies?
Is it still called "under"wear if you don't have any other clothes on?
Don't you know undies is interchangeable with the term underwear, it just depends on what mood your in?
my in?
Don't you think the grammatical phrase would be "I'm in"?
Don't you think your previous question should have been written as, "Don't you know undies is interchangeable with the term underwear, it just depends on what mood YOU'RE in?"
Do you think we should change this conversation away from philosophical questions and toward the great power of Grammar Nazism?
Doesn't that seem too be wut all the cewl kids r doing?
Do you think it is cewl to be a follower, or to pave your own path?
Is paving your own path trending at the moment?
50/50 split I would say, would you agree?