You are a lonely soulless piece of shit that needs attention from other pieces of shit on some stupid forum in order to feel validated. I would say your mother should have swallowed you but I bet her stomach was already so full of jizz she only had room in her ginger axe wound for your dipshit ginger father's sticky F--K wad...Have fun with your rust covered genitals you Aussie F--K. New Zealand is better in every way.
[spoiler]how did I do? I honestly don't mean anything I said. I wish you well sir/madam ;)[/spoiler]
Lol, that spoiler comment just invalidated everything you said. Other than that, nice attempt, but still no sprinkling of salt! Also, lol at ginger axe wound.
I had to include the spoiler. I don't say things like that in real life. Would make me feel terrible.
So you're too nice to make fun of a ginger, even in jest? You must be the nicest person on the planet, haha.
No I just don't want you to eat my soul...