Considering that most of the complaints/feedback is the same crap constantly, and half of it is hardly constructive, I don't blame them. Have you visited the feedback forum? They have a list of community wishes, they are listening.
With the addition of an additional CM, you'll likely see more responses now, but I still don't blame them for not replying to most of the spam and copy/paste on this forum.
I completely agree. I don't think they need to reply to every post about nerfs and whatnot, but I fully believe a community manager should at least acknowledge a post showing proof of lag switching/ip booting/ and other exploits that drastically affect the quality of the game
[quote]I completely agree. I don't think they need to reply to every post about nerfs and whatnot, but I fully believe a community manager should at least acknowledge a post showing proof of lag switching/ip booting/ and other exploits that drastically affect the quality of the game[/quote]agreed