Do you think he is going to be better than DeeJ or just as bad.
Edit 1: Cozmo and DeeJ reply!
Edit 2: I didn't intend on offending DeeJ guys so please don't take this the wrong way. DeeJ may not communicate with us as well as I want him too but he can definitely handle a ton of cluster bombs, wolf-pack rounds, and fist of havocs and still maintain his cool.
Edit 3: Over 800 replies. Nice work guys
Edit 4: ITS OVER 9000!!! Just kidding its at 900. Man you guys sure do like to chat.
Edit 5: Stosh replies!
Edit 6: This is a Bungie employee magnet.
What's his track record is all I care about. Is he gonna be as full of hot air and be as transparent as mud on a cloudy night like Deej (cuz face it, nothing really came through that didn't sound like PR crap) or is he gonna have more freedom to say things that he wants. I mean, I know it's a job and all, but certainly someone who managed the freaking Destiny subreddit can help do these sickly pale Weekly Updates some justice.