the number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted[/b] gets a pat on the back
I win.
Edited by deontaecrenshaw6: 7/16/2015 5:27:47 AMI wasn't supposed to be quoted
Also... [quote][u]Who ever comments[/u] the number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted gets a pat on the back[/b][/quote] I commented the number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted gets a pat on the back[/b] Just like he asked.
[quote]the number 2 not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted gets a pat on the back[/quote] ^ Thats a quote.