I still have the original fat ps3, it still works like a charm. I have replaced the thermal paste twice. I have never had a problem with it, anyone else still have one?
Still have my baby 2007-????
I know a couple people who do. I wish I had one so I can play my PS2 games again.
I still have a ps3
I have the second fat one (has the black rim around the disk tray, unlike the silver at launch). I went to do an air flare(spinning handstand), slipt since it was carpet, landed on a weight, and hit my head on it. I can't play it on its side, but everything else is golden, and never replaced anything.
I still have a working 360 arcade
I own an Xbox 360 Pro, 2007 model. Never once got RRoD'd, just E-74 in early 2009. Note: I didn't upgrade my 20GB hard drive to a 250GB until 2012, I essentially spent four years living on 20 gigs of space.
Pic or GTFO
Edited by banj0: 7/17/2015 8:10:15 AMI have the shittiest revision (the 40gb version without backwards compatibility), but given that I still have a PS2 it does the job fine.
Still got mine but im going to replace it with a ps4
My PS3 slim just died. Lucky my friend still has one.
Did you spend $599
Still got mine.
Mine died a couple of months ago because of overheating
Same, but I've never replaced any of it
Edited by hatrick17: 7/16/2015 9:34:22 PMGot the slim. Works line new just had to buy a new controller since it original was malfunctioning
My laser burned out a few years back. I tried replacing it, but I accidentally torn one of the ribbons. It still works with digital games and to watch Netflix though, the things a beast haha
I've had my fat ps3 60 gig break on me twice I finally had to let it rest and I bought the newer slim model 2 years ago, I had gotten my fat one in 2007
For some reason my xbox makes noise, it's not too loud, but the strange thing is that it only makes the noise when I play the original Dark Souls. I hope that backwards compatibility comes soon for Dark Souls, that's mainly the only reason I got myself into the preview program.
Edited by DjNormal: 7/16/2015 9:18:33 PMI got one in 2008. It came with Uncharted. It still works great, but my original controller only lasts about an hour or less though. Edit: I think almost all my old consoles still work. 2600, SMS, NES, TG-16 (the CD-ROM attachment is sketchy), Genesis, SNES, PS1 (kinda works, upside down usually). My PS2 finally bit the dust (literally) after my ex decided to sand a bunch of plaster work without turning it off first... It's got 1/8" of plaster dust on everything inside. I have a small Macintosh museum as well. The PS3 probably has the most hours logged on any console though... It was/is a workhorse for sure.
I got an original "no hdmi" 360. Two of them actually. With rrod, that might be more rare.
Still got my fatty. 1st and only one I bought. Can't say the same for my Xbox 360's they all died. My kid got the ps3 when I upgraded to ps4. Won't be buying xbone due to all my 360's getting red ring of death!
Edited by Lord Shaxx: 7/16/2015 8:36:28 PMDude I have a working Super Nintendo and a working ps2 and n64 etc.
I have one and it still works great
Never had one. My first ps3 was the slim. Still got my working fat ps2 though.
I wish. It looks nicer.