Is not the whole point of life to make assumptions about unknown quantities so that we may devise a way to deal with and understand adversity and higher powers?
Is it better to blindly accept something because of "faith" and upbringing than it is to seek the truth, even if that is unknown?
Can't we agree that no one on Earth can ever truly know the answer to life and its creation?
Wouldn't that be a faith based assumption? How far would we have come as a species if we didn't have a sense of adventure and a necessity to find the truth behind nature? Do you remember what you were taught about the Dark Ages and how it halted our scientific progress? Do you remember what one of the root causes to that halt in progress was? Where do you think we would be today if it weren't for that period following the fall of the Roman Empire?
Wouldn't you agree that striving for an unobtainable answer is futile, and that, as a result, billions of people blindly take sides without any real proof or counter-claims? Would you agree that faith is sometimes the greatest tool, faith in both yourself and things larger than yourself?
Are you aware that the basis for every major conflict has been had faith to blame at it's core? Does that sound like a rational system of belief? While powerful, does faith seem like the appropriate way to make a decision above and beyond a scientific approach? Wouldn't you agree that "faith" in one's self comes from one being tested and succeeding which is the scientific method more than blind faith?
Would you agree that people are easily frightened by what they cannot understand, and that, as a result, those devout to a religion are persecuted endlessly throughout history? Wouldn't you agree that both faith and science can co-exist, and that they are not mutually exclusive?