Were you trying to be suggestive?
How can you be sure I wasn't?
I can't, which is why I was asking you, would you answer me with an actual answer? :)
Nope. :P
Where is your question? Did you forget your manners?
I just stopped doing it. :P Also. No, I have my manners.
Where are they?
I hid them. :)
WOOOOOOW, aren't you a good hide and seeker?
I've been told so.
By whom?
People....... with names.... and faces. :P
What else do these beautiful people have?
Eyes, and a mouth....... and two ears and a nose. :P
This is addictive, these people sound so perfect, are they?
Edited by Xyrin Arcaiin: 7/17/2015 12:14:52 AMNothing is perfect actually. It's a figure of speech. :)
Oh my god, why u do dis to me? Wait a second, are you one of the people I told about nothing being 100% true or perfect 100% of the time? Did you read that comment thread? Are you stalking me?
What, no. I never even heard about that thread. But yes, I am one of those people. :)
One of those people that stalk me?
No, one of those people who say nothing is 100% perfect or 100% true. :)
Just like me :) do you think there is ever an occasion where something can be 100% perfect or true?
Yeah, everything in the Bible and whatever God say's. :)
There you go, how religious are you?
I'm really zealous in defense of my religion, do you have a religion?
The very same, I assume, what is your sector of sorts?