Always have to make my character subclasses one of each element. Arc, Solar, and Void.
Always use weapons that fit the colors of my characters.
Cannot use Gunslinger without Last Word.
Enjoys being in a strike team consisting of the two other classes.
Refuse to use Blink on Hunter because it was originally a Warlock technique.
Always switch my weapons around as a Hunter so my heavy isn't on my back because I don't see Hunters having heavies at all.
Hate seeing Titans with hand cannons and snipers.
Hate seeing Hunters with auto rifles and fusion rifles
Hate seeing Titans and Warlocks with The Last Word, that along with the previous two are absolutely atrocious please stop.
Always precision shooting as Gunslinger.
Always punching and shoulder-charging as Striker.
Despise Guardians with mismatching armor and colors.
Arm twitching from Last Word spin.
Funnily enough I agree with a fair amount of these
I don't really see Titans using sniper rifles either, it's all brutal warfare with them in my eyes so it's straight shotgun
Hunters with fusion rifles and Titans with The Last Word. For me they don't go together. However.. If a Titan is to be seen with a hand cannon it must be a Thorn at least