He made that distinction. On filing the US corporate papers for Bell, he listed his nationality as Scottish American.
His father sold the Canadian rights that became Bell Canada after many mergers. I don't know what his nationality was.
Then again, as Scot (heritage) myself, I have a hard time believing any Scot ever considered themselves any nationality (apart from Scot).
Patent papers went in around 76 and he was granted nationality around 84.
It seems that is correct. His partnership agreements with Hubbard and Sanders in 75 says American as does the patent application from Feb 14, 1876 and later corporate filings (76,77). So what do we call him? Shall we use a neutral source? http://www.britannica.com/biography/Alexander-Graham-Bell If the Brits aren't claiming him, I don't know how Canada can? We've exposed a few myths today however, thank you.