For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Signed! Would sign 100x if I could. This nerf makes absolutely zero sense
Bump. Don't even have the black hammer (don't really want it either) but from what I understand the nerf is gonna turn it into a sniper in which you don't have to reload after 3 shots as opposed to being an awesome raid gun. I won't stand for it.
FFS BUNGIE!!! stop fixing things that aren't broke!!!
Please don't bungie. Vote +1
Noooo that's what madE BH special with the white nail being changed to just taking ammo away from your reserve it's just as good as reloading
Black hammer will still be a top weapon.
BUMP! I'm one that felt all the nerfs/buffs were reasonable with the exception of Black Hammer.
Dumb nerf.
Edited by xXHVXx: 7/18/2015 1:04:00 AMi actually think that we should just stick together as a community and go viral with a "Taken King" boycott. if they don't care what we think then they must not want our money.
Thanks Obama
You do understand bungie doesn't listen to petitions, right?
Don't even have one yet.. I've been grinding for it.. But it makes it not worth grinding or anymore. Rip BH. Signed
Bump I guess
Edited by Kent_Strife: 7/18/2015 12:41:49 AMPlease continue with the planned nerfs and buffs. Black hammer is no different. It's a legendary that outclasses most exotics. Stop whining just because you like the gun. I liked AR's and guess what? I've had to make do with scouts and Hand Cannons for the last 6 months. Instead of whining.... I set myself to the task of finding a new gun class and type that I actually enjoy that's not AR. Ghorn needs a nerf. BH needs to be less powerful than ANY exotic sniper. AR's need to be a thing. How about you take other people and circumstances into account before you go whining to mommy? Because guess what? Life's not fair, and obviously you still need to learn this fact. ALSO, Just because you don't have unlimited ammo doesn't mean it's obsolete now. In fact they gave it more ammo just to keep its DPS potential high. So god forbid you might have to pop a special ammo synth..... OH NO.
I need to have special synths now. Great. Signed
Sign, bump, sign
Sign, bump, sign again
I only date white women
Signed! This is BS. One of my favorite weapons nerfed into oblivion. This is not amusing.