For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Signed and bumped
Sorry. Targets marked for annihilation.
Don't even have the gun? Still signing for the rest of you.
Bump. Changing it's impact/fire rate or making it unable to stun lock would be ideal instead of making it better outlaw.
i dont have the black hammer and the amazing XD number of support makes me wish i did lol go love your black hammer ! XD ill support the petition.
Signed No more Nerfs
Signed to save black hammer... And ice breaker, two nerds that are pointless.
Edited by Novel: 7/19/2015 7:50:44 PMBungie is nerfing the three strongest boss killers (Ice breaker, Gjallarhorn, and Black Hammer) so that Oryx will not be defeated as easily as Crota. They are creating artificial difficulty in the new raid because it lacks content. Sad. __________ Signed.
Don't do it Bungie!!! Nobody was complaining and it wasn't a game breaker.
Edited by mike miz: 7/19/2015 10:44:29 PMSigned
Signing again for support!
Bump, signed. What would it take honestly for the nerf to be lifted.. I mean do they care at all what the people want? If this was a 50/50 type democratic vote.. It would obviously never get a nerf. Do they just not want the players to have fun? It's so crazy.