For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Bump for lunch
Signed :) . I still haven't even gotten the Black hammer yet and if they nerfed it then it would be completely pointless to do the Crota raid anymore since I have all the guns I want from both hard and normal . KackisHD has a great video about the black hammer nerf as well as the Gjallihorn nerf.
Bump. Weapon becomes useless. I'll take a nicely rolled spear or similar sniper any day after the nerf. Mulligan on the BH is a useless perk for a sniper, so white nail basically made the weapon usable. Now it's just going to become a nice memory.
Signed bump
Signed. Bumped
Signed and bump
I agree with Bungie on this one. The BH is a little OP. But I really like the concept of the Black hammer and I know how awesome it can be. So I propose a compromise. I'll meet Bungie half way. Don't completely nerf White Nail. Make it so that when you hit 3 precision shots, one bullet is taken from the side ammo, and two are given free. Or vise versa. Two bullets are taken from the side ammo, and one is given free. :D
If anything they should just nerf the impact a bit. Save the perk!
Bump. You can't say you're balancing snipers to reward precision and then, in another paragraph, say you're nerfing the one sniper perk that absolutely depends on precision.
They should make it so that at least it still had the potential to gain ammo from precision hits at least other wise there reallybwont be much of point even if it does shoot endless rounds
Signed I will quit the game and I know 100 people that all will too
Edited by Arrg_The_Pirate: 8/2/2015 6:35:15 AMThe guns from year one will not be the same level as year two right? So does it even matter