For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Love my BH I have three and yes I can land critical hits like a boss! ! Nerf it just means that everyone is getting good with it now.
[quote]For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is. EDIT: Bump this and spread the word, the more support, the better!! EDIT 2: for those who want the BH nerfed. WHY???? EDIT 3: Doing good so far, keep bumping and spreading the word about this EDIT 4: ultimate goal is 1,000 signatures ( chances are slim, but who knows) EDIT 5: 400+ signatures so far, keep it up guys. Thanks for the support EDIT 6: apparently we are almost at 900 signatures. This is amazing, don't stop now guardians!! EDIT 7: Where are you Deej? The community wants to talk to you!!!!! EDIT 8: We have officially reached 1,000. Thank you everybody for your support. The battle is not over until somebody from Bungie responds to our concerns!!! KEEP SIGNING!!! EDIT 9: Now we are at 2,000. OMG!!! EDIT 10: Keep it up guys, Bungie needs to hear our concerns!!! EDIT 11: we currently have 3,000 signatures!!! Where is Deej and Jon Weisnewski?? Edit 12: 4,000 signatures. You guys are amazing. Spread the word about this! EDIT 13: now at 500+ likes! EDIT 14: can anybody get Deej or Jon Weisnewski to look at this? DONT SPAM THEM or do anything stupid, just kindly ask them to look at this! EDIT 15: Moved it to feedback, if you think I should move it back to #Destiny, comment below EDIT 16: moved it back to #Destiny (forget about edit 15 ^) EDIT 17: Now at 600+ likes. EDIT 18: apparently Bungie is somewhat censoring this page (pushed it to like page 9) bookmark this post and keep spreading the word. EDIT 19 : this going to be my last edit until further notice. Probably got out of hand with all of these edits. Anyway, thanks for signing this petition!!!![/quote] Signed
Sign If you are going to do something to it, change it to an exotic and have it drop in hard crota
Don't really care. It'll still be good and an argument can be made that it was OP and made some bosses trivial with a BH fire team. I did fine before I had that gun. Weapon synths exist for sweaty moments. You're over reacting.
It's not an exotic
Some people take the time in there day at work to fix guns on a computer and sit in meeting at 7am when they would rather be sleeping all so they can accomplish the goal of successfully nerfing and buffing some guns on a video game. No matter how many people sign this they will not do it. Some people worked hard too nerf and upgrade these guns. Here is what some will say....I worked hard to get my black hammer and ice breaker. No you didn't, you simply used a simple controller to complete a simple task. These Bungie employees that actually take time in there precious days to fix sh*t. Really disappointed with game communities, this isn't the worst but god so ungrateful. What next? You gonna cry about hard light being to over powered? I'm surprised Bungie hasn't gave you all a legendary engram for free and that will turn into a green engram. What has the gaming community turn into....
It's interesting. Nobody was complaining about BlackHammer until Bungie released the patch notes for September. Now that various petitions are out to save the BH, all kinds of scrubs and vermin crawling all over the forums claiming how OP the BlackHammer was (Boss Killer etc.) and that this nerf was a good thing. Where have you scrubs been before? Desperate to get a BlackHammer? Happy now? Look, I have 3 BH and am happy that I can clear the same strikes, bosses etc. for the 100th time faster with the BH. A thing of the past it seems. Well done, whiny scrubs!!!
You guys are ridiculous
Situational sniper is still a situational sniper except now you have more reserve ammo. How many times have you landed 21 crits in a row at a fast pace? This is an improvement IMO.
Edited by Prince Of The Six: 7/19/2015 9:36:23 AMDouble sign from Black Hammer and I
Save our black hammer! It would have even made a good exotic, but they are screwing them up too so 'shrugs'
Keeping it alive
signed it took me 13 weeks to get :(