For anybody who has no idea what this is about, Bungie announced in their latest weekly update that the white nail perk is going to be nerfed. Now, instead of keep getting three free rounds, it's going to take 3 rounds from your ammo pile. This is BS. Sign below if you want Bungie to keep the BH as it is.
EDIT 20: 1,000 likes *faints* Th amount of support is amazing. Thank you!!
Signed. And let it be known, the revolution is here!
Signed bumped and everything else. I worked my but off to get it and then to level it up. Then it took me sometime to learn how to use it now my 2 favorite snipers are going to be a pain to use
Crazy how many posts there are
Bump Signed
Signed. I think I already did, but who cares lol
Signed. But save Gjallarhorn also!
BH is a weapon that is good to use in PvP as a high impact sniper, but godly in PvE. Hitting all three shots in PvP (I'd like to see that) takes skill to do, but it is much easier to hit those critical hits in PvE on bosses. However, the spider tank and Cabal tank are the only boss enemies that can easily be hit three times with a critical and exploit BH's true power. Enemies like Sepiks Prime and Sekrion, Nexus Mind could still be shot at, but at greater risk. There are many simpler ways to "balance" BH than completely destroying the perk that made it iconic in the first place. For example, they could put a cooldown on the White Nail perk. This would allow us to still have infinite ammo, but forcing us to pace the rate at which we put out our shots. I do see that BH is OP considering it is just a legendary, but that doesn't mean they have to turn it into a sniper with a good speed reload perk.
"Bunge Pls no, not like this *scribbles*"
Bump this !
Bump bump bump
Dont nerf the hammer
Or they can make a friggin exotic quest to make some ammo drive like the SGA mixed with bad juju to give you 3 free rounds after 3 precision shots, thereby upgrading it to an exotic tier. Nerf it so its "legendary" and then have a quest to bring it to exotic!