By your logic, I should be able to finish top of the scoreboard every game by using hard light or Suros? Pretty sure that doesn't happen. Not NEARLY to the extent that it does with Thorn.
If you have to use thorn to be at the top then you can step out of pvp. Not gonna lie though, I've definitely used my fair share of it. But I've also finished top without it. People don't finish top 100% of the time with thorn anyway. I get destroyed by red death, pyradths revenge, hawkmoon and it's one shot kill, Lord of wolfs. Plenty of other ways to get to the top. Just play smart and know what situations to challenge or walk away in pvp.
I don't think I've ever seen someone use hard light in pvp. You an pretty much guarantee that someone at the top of the scoreboard every game will be using thorn. That screams weapon imbalance. Don't get me wrong, I have thorn and can do great with it (not that hard) but I can also win a game with my Stranger's Rifle and Praedyth's Revenge. It's simply too easy to do well with thorn and most people have it nowadays because people figured out how to boost and cheat the bounty. Certainly worthy of a nerf.