A very very long time in communicating to us.
I am very thankful for the detailed and thought out breakdown they put together for us.
I agree with most of it. You can't have everything, but it could be a massive improvement if it actually works out like they are trying.
See that Bungie? A bit of "communication" goes a long way. Doing it in an open and honest manner is also a massive bonus.
I just don't understand why it took you so very damn long to even acknowledge us.
This is a step in the right direction, but I will not pre-order no matter what you say and do.
We have been lied to way too many times.
Regarding pre-ordering. Yeah, Destiny ruined it for me - for every game. I will never pre-order anything again, unless there is a reputation for releasing as expected. I made a mistake believing the hype, the Halo history, ignoring publisher reputation, etc... Won't make that mistake again.