1, gally is still gunna be the strongest rocket launcher. Even with a 50% loss to wolf packs that's still bonus damage. All rockets do pretty much the same blast damage. Gally will always be the strongest against a moving target. Unless they decide to make that um.. shitty fire launcher stick to enimies.
2, people complaining about the shot package nerf. Everyone is saying it was the range that was op. No it wasn't it alone. Range only increases the amount of damage dealt per pellet at longer ranges. But more range means more spread. Less pellets hitting. Shot package kept them together at farther ranges.
3, handcannons, I have been reading that people are really upset about the drop off. IT'S A HANDGUN PEOPLE. You should not in any game be able to out shoot a sniper with a hand gun. I get its a spacey future game but some type of realism makes pvp more enjoyable for everyone.
4, black hammer, now this one is very iffy. While I do not believe what they did to it was right, I can see why. Only an exotic should have a perk like that. BUT they should have made it carry more then 18 rounds I believe. Maybe like 24. As now it is literally going to become alot less useful.
5, auto rifles, they hit and kinda missed. But now they will be able to stand more of a chance to skilled hands. But I don't like the stability reduction. What if you are someone who likes the high rate of fire autos? We lost on that one..
6, forgot the fusion rifle one. I'm not really to sure about this one really, I believe they needed a huge buff or just the nerfs removed. Reducing the speed of the projectiles? That's stupid they are already to slow. Nerf them for range? They better really do some real damage to the long range shotties then because a shotty can easily out shoot a fusion anymore. Even if really skilled. I used to love my fusions until they messed with them. I'm not really sure what to say or feel about what they are going to do until the update actually drops.
Side notes- the freaking necrocasm is gunna be so useful now! The hardlight being really usable? Holy shit! Not having to deal with thorn burn every game is gunna be nice as hell. Oh and I'm not sure how many people saw it but they said the dot will stack which again will rewards people with real skill. Not someone just mashing a button.
I'm personally happy with these changes, as they stated they will mainly help out the skilled players the most. So in other words everyone who has been depending on a crutch will now be able to show wether or not they needed that crutch.
What are your actual opinions. Not just crying please.
Fusion rifles. They were bad and now they are worse. Not sure as to why they made those changes. Still no word on the mythoclast accuracy "accidental" nerf which is upsetting.