Looking at the changes, I saw a lot of "yeah, I expected that, let's see how it plays out"
What I did not expect, given the dominance of exotic primaries, was the Gjally nerf.
The issue wasn't "gjally is too strong", it's the other exotic heavies being too weak. Why on earth would you sacrifice an exotic slot which could go to icebreaker or hawkmoon for a thunderlord when you have a jolder's hammer? Why would you use a truth when you can use a Radegast's fury or Ash Factory rolled for tripod and tracking?
The ugly truth is Gjally was the only heavy worth sacrificing an exotic slot. You don't use heavies often, and an exotic heavy has to pack considerably more punch compared to it's legendary breathren vs a primary or special because of that.
Allow me to make myself clear: because they're not bringing other exotic heavies into line with Gjally, this is how the patch will play out:
Either Gjally will still do significantly more damage than other heavies and you'll [i]STILL[/i] see "Gjally required", or Gjally will not do significantly more damage than other heavies and nobody will use an exotic heavy anymore.
I'm with you on the issue of exotics being under powered. Most just don't live up to the name. There are 3 or 4 truly worth carrying. The others are still looking for a reason to exist. Exotics should be like Ferrari's. Hard to acquire and everybody notices when you've got one.