[quote]Since it's release in September of last year, the video game Destiny, Bungie's newest venture, has been extremely popular with people of all ages. Is this coincidence, a smash hit, or something more sinister from the legendary game designers?[/quote]
Skipping the boring part of the article and getting straight to the meat of it:
[quote]Perhaps Bungie's commercial success with the legendary Halo franchise has made them desperate to build up a larger and more dedicated fan base than newer rival 343 Industries, the part of the company that stayed with Microsoft, and the legendary franchise. This may have led to the questionable decisions by Bungie on gameplay and storyline that are affecting the unusually young audience (Brought in by the game's "Teen" rating from the ESRB) in a detrimental way, beyond the evils of a regular first person shooter.
The first way in which Destiny corrupts the youth of America is through the very idea of the main character, a member of an army blindly following a masked man called "The Speaker." Anyone who considers this at all sees the obvious real life parallel: Kim Jong Un and North Korea. This game teaches these young people to blindly follow a leader, possibly weakening their minds to North Korean propaganda.
A second risk caused by this game is an increase in suicide. In the game, a popular strategy is called "Wiping," where players agree to commit suicide (in game) to gain an advantage. This may desensitize children to the concept of suicide, as they respawn within a few seconds, actually better off than they were before. This teaches children that suicide is not only okay, but actually beneficial in some cases.
A final major issue is the introduction of a giant floating ball, called "The Traveller." Our expert researchers believe that this Traveller is designed to represent the Antichrist. It controls the Kim Jong Un-like Speaker, and leads them against an army of free people (Represented as inhuman monsters) in gory battles. It also grants them demonic powers, such as magical guns, knives, and other attacks. This evil magic should not be shown to the children of America, and should be treated as a serious threat to society. [/quote]
Source: [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ]http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/06/10/destiny-evil-corrupting-youth-of-america/[/url]
What do you guys think? I personally think Fox News is insane!
Please keep it clean and friendly. Last time I showed you guys this, some people got a little out of hand.
Edit: Alright, who bumped this?
Because fox news is the most reliable source for all of your unbiased news
Fox is not that bad.... It's the only republican news outlet. Everything else is liberal drivel
I clicked on the link and its a porn site everyone
Let me guess. Megan Kelly. What a tard.
Man screw fox and that punk b**** jimmy kimmel too brah
Stopped at "Fox News"......
Can't entirely decide if this is a real Fix News report or another bait post. This is perfect bait, but Fox does love to distort facts into stupidity to fool the other, lesser people...
Saw Rick Roll coming from a mile away. Can't touch this
"Our expert researchers" yup
Lol, funniest thing I have read for a while :)
By the way the link leads to a 404 page. Is that intentional?
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahhaha lol nobody knows to press the link 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/8 m8
I wasn't falling for the post but I fell for the damn link. Ugh
what the actual -blam!-. There is hating on destiny (like I do) and then there is this.
I can't tell if it's very well writen or an actual fox article...
Edited by Rancid: 8/26/2015 5:55:51 AMLOLOLOLOLOL..ROFL....IM DIEING LAUGING RIGHT NOW,CLEARLY NONE OF THESE "EXPERTS"HAVE EVER PLAYED DESTINY....wtf. who on earth looks at the speaker as a leader lol,seriously I don't remember any of the storey narratives and the giant ball as an antichrist?ha ...I just stare at it cause.it looks neat....these quacks have to much spare time EDIT: ok I didn't click the link until after I posted this.
Wow at first I thought maybe this article would have some well thought out points and actual validation. Like how destiny does make u play ridiculous hours trying to grind or it is possible to actually become addicted to it for those reasons. But the actual article is just insane and completely ridiculous. Wiping correlates to real life suicide? The speaker Kim Jon un?? Just utter garbage
Btw, seeing all the kiddos who believe that Fox News is [i]this[/i] looney is mind boggling. I don't find CNN or MSNBC looney, I just see the rhetoric. Fox has Rhetoric too, but it's by no means Looney.
Well played, sir. Well played.
Edited by JoshLandrigan: 8/26/2015 2:05:47 PMGood morning laugh. Thank you fox. [spoiler]remember guys this channel is known for being racist so they aren't to bright[/spoiler][spoiler]the link is nothing about fox lol chill guys haha[/spoiler]
Edited by biofic: 8/26/2015 2:05:16 PMFox never ceases to spew nonsense [spoiler]gr8 b8 m8[/spoiler]
I was pretty iffy at the beginning, then fell for the link. Nice man
Bahahaha what?!
Edited by CptKungFu: 8/26/2015 2:01:48 PMO M G too funny