If you own a Gally only play with other Gally owners. That way all the people who wanted the nerf but at the same time always want your help can't get it.
Edit 1: In my experiences most of the people starting groups saying you must have a ghorn are looking for help not elitist. It's people who can't play the game asking for the help of the almighty rocket launcher that have caused the problem so let them do it on their own.
Here is why I agree with him. Bungie did this because of ghorn only groups. If there still will be ghorn only groups we could fix it. Or remove it from the game and loose all players.
Just because people don't have gally doesn't mean that they want it nerfed. Some people just aren't smart enough to see above their own salt.
Mmmmm your tears are delicious. Haha
I'm gonna start doing this now because -blam!- them
Maybe if you asswipes were nice and let other people who don't have it into your group, then this wouldn't have happened. It's your fault. You brought it on yourself.
Same I don't care fluck bungee and their bullsheet if you don't have a gally fvcking die
Edited by o HULK SMASH o: 7/17/2015 4:37:20 PMIm gonna be a bitch from now on and say "Ghorn only" when I send pve invites. You whiners can see how u gonna manage ur shit with blue and legendary missile launchers.... Pffff [spoiler] Hate me - I don't care. [/spoiler]
Edited by johnfcooley: 7/17/2015 4:57:30 PMI think the problem is all you that didn't have it whining about people requiring it instead of...I dunno...NOT playing with those people. This forum has proved time and again there were people with and without that would play with anyone. Those that don't have gally caused a bigger divide than those that did. I would (and probably still will) run with anyone who did or didn't have it. I always checked primary and secondary before caring about heavy. Tools worried about Max Gally, and I won't play with those or allow them in my fireteam. I have booted or voted to boot anyone who mentioned Max Gally as any requirement. Day in and day out people complained and whimmed about LFG posts. News flash, no one was making stop looking. There have always been good/great players who have Gally that played with anyone. So the whining nerfed a perfectly great weapon. One that felt exotic. One that was fun, if not always essential to use. Haters cry "enjoy your nerf". Well genius, when you finally get one yoiu can enjoy it too, but thank yourself for it being " less exotic", not those of us that didn't care. Now you are getting a bit of backlash, and once again calling names. Well, that's fine. I like others will use it, or (shocker) use whatever is most effective (Truth on Void for example) like we always have. I'm not hurt, just amused and annoyed at the hypocritical BS that flies around this subject. I bet if one of you had it you would change your tune. Again, the divide between the haves and have not on this forum is driven more by the have nots crying than the haves excluding.
Actually according to bungie, the players the required max gallys for people to join their raid groups are the reason it got nerfed. My buddy has one and kicks ass. Luckily he just brings me along as a package deal. I am a little salty that it got nerfed before I had the chance to use one on my characters. However, if you allow only those with a gally to join which was what got it nerfed in the first place; you are setting yourself up for a further nerf or a xur sale. That Gally is elusive and sexy and I wish it didn't get nerfed. My girlfriend plays and has the warlock on my account (which I'm not allowed to touch lol) and my buddies who come over to blaze I hand em my controller to play Destiny (some who die every 30 seconds) and over 300 hours in and no gally. To me a weapon that elusive and sexy needs no nerf. It is losing its exotic status being weakend. I'm now on my third tangent, I'm going to eat something I'm starving. I look forward to hate comments, get gud scrub comments, and the occasional I'm baggin your mom comments. If I get none... I won't feel like I'm on the Destiny forum's.
Good idea. Hopefully they nerf it again for pricks like you. Go play in traffic.
Suck each other's cocks while you're at it
Im doing this
this post defines the exact reason why it's getting nerfed.
The sad thing is that a lot of these threads are being made by "adults." My five-year-old has more perspective. Good grief.
This is what got it nerfed. If you're a jerk with your toys, they'll take 'em away.
So... You're gonna just alienate a section of the player base for... Randomness? This kinda pettiness is so..... Sad
Your bullshit way of thinking is why it was nerfed in the first place. Thank yourself and idiots like you for the nerf.
Isn't that what happens anyways?
Or you should all just dismantle your gally in protest! That'll show em
Because f*ck team work....
Mmmmmm salty tears are salty. Get a grip! pmsl
Glad it's getting nerfed. It's a crutch PvE weapon that should have been nerfed ages ago like all the PvP weapons do. Looking forward to boss fights that don't rely on having an RNG weapon to coast through it. Git gud 😐
You've got to be -blam!-ing kidding me, you understand if the G-Horn users continue to try to punish those who don't have it Bungie will nerf it until it is no longer a viable exotic.