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Edited by SpecialEDsauce: 7/17/2015 7:04:54 PM

In protest Gally owners should all make Gally only groups from now on.

If you own a Gally only play with other Gally owners. That way all the people who wanted the nerf but at the same time always want your help can't get it. Edit 1: In my experiences most of the people starting groups saying you must have a ghorn are looking for help not elitist. It's people who can't play the game asking for the help of the almighty rocket launcher that have caused the problem so let them do it on their own.

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  • You've got to be -blam!-ing kidding me, you understand if the G-Horn users continue to try to punish those who don't have it Bungie will nerf it until it is no longer a viable exotic.

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  • Agreed I'm pissed. 1500 hours to get mine.

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  • This what am going to do from now on trust me Even if that poor other person didn't have anything to do with it

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  • [quote]If you own a Gally only play with other Gally owners. That way all the people who wanted the nerf but at the same time always want your help can't get it.[/quote] Something that a butthurt, terrible player says.

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    6 Replies
    • I honestly don't care, especially since I'm probably better at PvE than most of you. It not me who's losing here, it's you. Plus I have friends with gjallarhorn so smd

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    • Thats good with me

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    • Go for it

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    • So you mean exactly what's been going on for months, good idea!

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    • I'm down with this.

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    • Ok, that'll teach those winey little pricks to bitch about my weapon. Go get food noobs and get it for yourself.

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    • All the noobs who do not have a gally . Go grind for it like we all had to . If u don't like not being accepted in groups start your own . If some one joins my fireteam and don't have a gally insta boot just because bungie wanted to nerf it for the whine asses

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    • Nah, I'm good. I don't even use it except when people ask, and even then I only use it for a little bit.

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    • It's pretty pathetic how so many people have to rely so heavily on a certain weapon to accomplish everything in this game. There's plenty of other weapons that can easily get the job done.

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    • That just asking for another nerf dumbass just play with others and stop being a prick

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    • Edited by Sluggerage: 7/17/2015 2:05:15 PM
      Great idea so they nerf it till it's complete crap and nobody will even want to use it. Use your brain dude people like you with the must have gjally posts are what made this happen.

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      3 Replies
      • You do realise that they are slightly reducing the damage of wolfpack rounds because most people who have gjallahorn won't play with people who don't right? So by you guys creating even more gjallahorn only groups bungie will only nerf it even more. You're only hurting yourselves

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        11 Replies
        • So what's changed?

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          • Guess who's back, back again Drune's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back... I've created a monster, cuz nobody wants to See Marshall no more they want Drune I'm chopped liver Well if you want Drune, then this is what I'll give ya A little bit of me mixed with some hard liquor Some vodka that will jumpstart my heart quicker Then a shock when I get shocked at the hospital By the Dr. when I'm not cooperating When I'm rocking the table while he's operating "Hey" You waited this long to stop debating Cuz I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney But your husband's heart problem is complicating So the FCC won't let me be Yo let me be me so let me see They tried to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty without me So come on dip, bum on your lips jump back, jiggle her hip and wiggle a bit And get ready cuz this is about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits, "_uck you Ninjas!" Now this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me Little hellions, kids feeling rebellious Embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis They start feeling like prison is helpless, Til someone comes along on a mission and yells "_itch" A visionary, vision is scary, could start a revolution, Pollutin' the air waves a rebel So let me just revel and bask, In the fact that I got everyone kissing my a-- And it's a disaster such a catastrophe For you to see so damn much of my a-- you ask for me? Well I'm back (*Batman Noise*) fix your bent antenna Tune it in and then I'm gonna enter Into the front of your skin like a splinter The center of attention back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kids ears and nesting Testing "Attention Please" Feel the tension soon as soon someone mentions me Here's my 10 cents, my 2 cents is free A nuisance, who sent, you sent for me? Now this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me A tisk-it a task-it, I go tit for tat with anybody who's talking this & that sh_t Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your a-- kicked Worse than them little Limp Bizkit a ards, And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie, You 36 year old bald headed scared ____ me You don't know me, you're too old Let go, it's over, nobody listens to techno Now lets go, just give me the signal I will be there with a whole list full of new insults I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol But sometimes man it just seems, Everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I'm disgusting, But its just me I'm just obscene Though I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley, To do Black Music so selflessly And use it to get myself worthy (Hey) There's a concept that works 20 million other white rappers emerge But no matter how many fish in the sea It'll be so empty without me Now this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody just follow me Cuz we need a little controversy, Cuz it feels so empty without me

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            • It's already going to make gjally elitism even more prominent now. Glad I have 2 so I'll be able to get into groups. Someone in another thread put it like this. Let me make it easy for you, lets say we need 225k damage to kill a boss. Gjally does 9k while other rockets do 6k. Everyone has 5 rockets, so a gjally user would do 45k damage, while a non gjally user will do 30k damage. Right now we need 3 gjally users and 3 different rockets to kill him. Now if we make ghorn do 40k per 5 shots, we'll need 4 gjally users and 2 regular rocket launchers and some extra shots from primary to kill it. Most people would go for the easy way where they don't need to shoot extra shots with primaries, that would mean people would require 5 gjallys to do what could've been done with 3 gjallys in the past.

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            • No shit, why would I even want to consider using another weapon. I want nothing but gally in all slots because I hate variety. I hope they don't bring any new guns with the next update because I only want to use my gally. Shut the f up already. Can't wait for a week or two when this bitch fest stops!

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            • 3
              If you need to rely on a single weapon to do something... Wait for it... You must be really bad. Ghorn is an easy mode weapon. It isn't the be all and end all. It needs a nerf. Don't say I don't have 1 because I've had 14 drop for me

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              9 Replies
              • Oh shut up already...

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              • fck off you Fking child.

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              • [b][i]"LFG for Cosmodrome patrol. Must have Max Gjallarhorn. Must be a 34 (no 33's). Message for invite. No scrubs."[/i][/b]

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                2 Replies
                • So things will stay the same then? Haha

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