In the last couple of months, many people were screaming for nerf's. In the new upcoming update, Bungie addressed these issues and made the solution. I never wished to attack the community but a lot of you make the meaning of [b]hypocrite[/b]. [i]When did the fan-base become so cynical[/i].
The only thing I am upset about is the nerf to BlackHammer. But everything else is a fine solution in Destiny! For too long the in-game Destiny PvE community was split-in-half: people with OP guns and the people without OP guns. Now every gun counts.
The PvP community will now have diversity. The only time I would play PvP when IB and ToO wasn't available is when Combined Arms is available. Now I can actually go into a normal match without having the whole other team whipping out Thorns and TLW. Good thing AR's are back, I'll sweep the enemy with my Shadow Price. :)
What are your opinions?
[b][i]Remember, an opinion without 3.141592.. is just an onion [/i][/b]
Shut up you nurd [spoiler]Jk I'm having a great time watching these forums [/spoiler]