*Andrew walks up to mysterious man* Looking to do some work?
The Man tilts his head towards you. "I don't work for anyone except the AIMC and the Monarch." he replies grimly.
Things are grim. People are dying. Ive seen things in that city. Murders right out on the street. My organization needs help.
"I'm already here to exterminate the walking rats who carry the plague of murder." he then turns fully toward you. "But what is this organization you speak of? What is its cause?"
Edited by Astrodicle: 7/17/2015 6:55:53 AMto overthrow the leader of this city and establish a new order. A fair order. Too many dirty officials. We want to make a new order. A new incarnation of this skeeverhole. [b]Andrew hands you a card which has the following written on it: Longitude: 75.3472727 W, lagitude: 45.472737 N. Knights of the Nouisaeculi Midnight Andrew then walks out of the establishment, leaving hope in his wake.[/b]
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 7/17/2015 6:59:37 AMThe Man looks at the card for a moment, and then crumples it in his fist. Now he's got a whole "order" of rats to take out.
[b]at the meeting coordinates, Andrew leans up against his vehicle with a few of his insurgents with him. He holds an expecting look on his face, waiting for someone. just then, one of the fellow soldiers speaks up:[/b] "Looks like hes not coming." [b]Andrew looks expectingly and hopefully one last time around him. Hoping for some sign of the stranger.[/b] "Hes not showing. Pack it up" [b]Andrew goes and sits down in his vehicle, and his team join him. He then drives back to the headquarters.[/b]
We need a new order
"New order? Made by who exactly?"
Edited by Astrodicle: 7/17/2015 7:06:45 AMBy the last true people this city has. Just, consider it. Remember, theres a storm coming. [spoiler]we f'ed up the conversation just have it skip to the one where i entered in the brady conversation. Holy crap everything is skipping everywhere...[/spoiler]
[b]Brady finishes his water, then walks back to his secret bunker.[/b]