to overthrow the leader of this city and establish a new order. A fair order. Too many dirty officials. We want to make a new order. A new incarnation of this skeeverhole.
[b]Andrew hands you a card which has the following written on it:
Longitude: 75.3472727 W, lagitude: 45.472737 N.
Knights of the Nouisaeculi
Andrew then walks out of the establishment, leaving hope in his wake.[/b]
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 7/17/2015 6:59:37 AMThe Man looks at the card for a moment, and then crumples it in his fist. Now he's got a whole "order" of rats to take out.
[b]at the meeting coordinates, Andrew leans up against his vehicle with a few of his insurgents with him. He holds an expecting look on his face, waiting for someone. just then, one of the fellow soldiers speaks up:[/b] "Looks like hes not coming." [b]Andrew looks expectingly and hopefully one last time around him. Hoping for some sign of the stranger.[/b] "Hes not showing. Pack it up" [b]Andrew goes and sits down in his vehicle, and his team join him. He then drives back to the headquarters.[/b]