So bungie covered just about everything there is to come in the upcoming weapon balance. Great. There is just one exotic weapon they forgot to mention and that is the vex mythoclast. I know everyone here is saying "what about it?" See a while back bungie "accidentally" nerfed it's accuracy because of patch 1.1.1 but then decided to stealth fix it by removing it. Now the patch was re-introduced and became useless again. Bungie even said that it was an unintentional nerf and are going to fix it. So I'm a bit surprised that they didn't include in this upcoming patch. My other concern is with the additional balance of fusion rifles, will the vex suffer another hit from the new patch? I hope to god they don't (its a favorite of mine lol) but it's whatever and it's too soon to tell. What do guys think?
They have more info to give us. This isn't everything they're doing.