Personally I don't like it. And I don't like what they're doing to Black Hammer either. That perk makes Black Hammer, Black Hammer. There's gonna be no point in using it anymore. Anyway.. I just wanna get people thoughts and opinions about it.
Don't care.
They should have left it alone and just let Xur sell it a second time. Problem solved.
They did it for TTK
No reason to continue investing time, everything popular gets nerfed
Nooooo my baby my baby why does he have to go nooooooooooooo
It's for the noobs. People that started playing destiny since HoW must of been complaining because they are max lvl but with shit guns so the only way to make it fair for them is to make our guns as shit as theirs.
Makes wanting any weapon pointless. why desire and work for something that gives zero advantage. Its retarded like have the morns who mess destiny up.
gjallarhorn is still the strongest rocket launcher and Blackhammer is still the highest dps sniper
I've gotten 4 in my time here but the black hammer and ice breaker nerf is what makes me put the game down. These were senseless nerfs designed to make weapons obsolete by making them useless.
Ghally nerf is needed people just get carried through encounters by Ghally I use it myself but it's still stupid
They call it a "balance". So what rocket launcher is receiving the difference? Because all they said is they want people to stop crying about being "excluded" and nothing about doing it for balancing.
All it said was that the blackhammer perk would take from your inventory? What does that mean?
I've had black hammer since the day I started playing. My first legendary sniper and my crutch.... I'll miss it.
I don't even have a Ghorn and I think the nerf is ridiculous. Personally don't see a need to make any of changes they did for PVE. I'm speaking strictly about the nerfs.
BS! Why are they making changes that the community didn't ask for???
[quote]Personally I don't like it. And I don't like what they're doing to Black Hammer either. That perk makes Black Hammer, Black Hammer. There's gonna be no point in using it anymore. Anyway.. I just wanna get people thoughts and opinions about it.[/quote] This game is half ass retarded
I don't care, and I have both.
I'm quoting destiny after the black hammer patch