OK.... so I look on bungie.net today and read weapon fix... again... is anyone that is good at PVP really complaining about weapons ? Range? perks? anything that was fixed? My bet as a pvper is NO! Ive been in many crucible games and have been owned. Ive been in many crucible games and have slaughtered the other team! Regardless i am still playing the game and enjoy it. I love thorn and i love hawkmoon, and G-Horn, and many many other guns. Bungie needs to quit dictating to us about what guns are going to do! More people love destiny for what it is, and was, than people who get on the forum because of one gun and a perk they think is unfair. I'd say wipe the new gun update and lets continue the game we love! Nerfing G-Horn because someone didnt get invited to a raid? LOL that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. THAT IS WHAT THE FORUMS ARE FOR!!!! find somebody! IF we want a fireteam full of gjallerhorns.. thats our choice. We want to melt a bosses health and laugh about it! I'm so sick of these weapon changes that roll out and im sure all the good pvpers are to. Its not going to change anything! We are just going to find a new meta . We can make any gun seem "to good" by owning all the people who complain about it. Thank you
What you can fix Bungie is the people using lag switches in the crucible and trials... just fix the real problems with your game lol
No reason? [spoiler]HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHHAAHHAHHAHAH[/spoiler] [spoiler]sry[/spoiler] [spoiler]I just[/spoiler] [spoiler]AAAAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAH[/spoiler] [spoiler]haha[/spoiler]