Oh? So a gally that does its damage now the elitists would probably let one or two people that don't have one join. After patch it won't have as much firepower thus they won't let in anyone without it at all. Bungue literally made the problem worse -_-
not really. there may be other rockets that have similar damage...you don't know
Oh you mean like the dragons breath that was supposed to be and hear I quote "is Crotas ends answer to the gjallahorn"
no that's not what I mean. I never mentioned an exotic launcher
No rocket has as much damage even as the nerfed one
so you know every rocket we will get in tkk? wow you can tell the future!
If they are nerfing gjallarhorn do you really think they will add one as powerful?
not as but maybe similar to.
Currently there isn't one. You never mentioned ttk so
the need won't happen until September when got comes out....is there something you don't understand?
I don't remember seeing anywhere saying it comes out in September. Besides every single gun in the game besides ttk ones are gonna be scraped