Stephenson wakes up at about 8:30 and stretches before flipping on the morning news.
"Ahh, let's see. Another corporate war between McDonalds and Burger King, three bank robberies, and more Mafia shootouts in the sewers. Great."
*some drones are shooting outside*
Stephenson walks over to Ite's room and slams the door open while blasting "Call To Arms" on a bugle. "THERE ARE PEOPLE BEING SHOT OUTSIDE!"
*the shooting stops* *a gorup of mafia thugs and cops alike was sligtered by a group of droens they all apear to have been modified*
Stephenson drags the few police officers that still live into his apartment before calling for back-up from Police HQ.
*the police send a Heavy combat drone, and some cops) (cpaitan) What the hell hapened ehre ? speak up SON!
"Well, for one, a bunch of OUR drones killed most of this patrol squad that I've got sitting here. I kept them stable, so here you go. Stephenson sets the unconscious and wounded police officers outside, shuts the door, locks it, and activates the turret system.
Edited by Reborn Salazar: 7/17/2015 3:18:39 PM(capitan) werid no drones where around this area. we have lsot contact with a large nubmer of em tho...... *the heavy drone starts twitching*
Stephenson exits the area, on a job again. The police leave the apartments to continue their investigation.
*more droens wiht red strips ont heir chassis appear and start chasiing you*
Stephenson shoots them and carries on. He is extremely busy.