Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why do you have to be so easy?
Why does Bungie not make a lvl above level cap raid version of my raid after TTK ( Gally nerf) HEHEHE?
Do you think that will help you or your minions?
Why do you have to be so sexy?
Why am I blushing?
Are you a dude or a dudette?
Does my gender really matter?
Do you think I want to make another guy blush and then engage in a really weird conversation with them, only to vomit when I find out its a dude at the end?
Did this post just get awkward?
Do you think it has, it only is if you think it has ;) ?
Do you have a waste basket to vomit in?
You vomit in waste baskets?
Where do you prefer to vomit?
Wouldn't you prefer to vomit in the toilet, where there is minimal clean up necessary?
Vomiting outside where there would be no clean up would be better, don't you think?
Doesn't that require far more work, and become a hassle in summer and winter?
What if it's in your neighbors bushes?
Do you mean to annoy your neighbors or help their bushes grow with the small amount of nutrients present in vomit?
If my neighbors were poor and needed fertilizer, you wouldn't help them this way?
If this was such an integral part of your question, why would you not have listed this information back when I asked why you would go outside to vomit?
Why is our question still about vomit? Wanna talk about the something else?
I believed I asked if you were a girl or a guy, so that I didn't have to vomit because I took a conversation too far, right?
Yes sir you did ask that question, but asking you if there was a waste basket for you throw up in didn't give it away?