Why are they going to nerf the white nail perk? how did that negatively impact the game? As the proud owner of a gally, i can see why there is a Wolfpack nerf. But why is there a nerf for black hammer the white nail perk usually only comes in play for stationary bosses, meaning its almost exclusively PvE true this sniper has seen time in the crucible but that is because of its high impact, this still doesn't mean it should basically be neutered and have the perk that makes it a feasible sniper rifle destroyed. Even with 18 ammo in the inventory that means we can only chain up to 6 times. Unless there is skull most bosses wont go down in that time.
So why Black Hammer?
I am not a fan of this nerf. I didn't use the weapon a whole lot, but I did sometimes, because it was useful sometimes. Now it's just another sniper and I have no real reason to keep it. Most of the updates made sense to me. This one, does not.