My thoughts: they actually need to increase the damage of Wolfpack Rounds if they want fireteams to rely on it less.
However, by doing that, people will still want Gallys so they can crush bosses easily and therefore rely on it still.
My final thoughts: It should stay how it was before 2.0 weapon update and Xûr should sell it.
it's a battle they can not win.
Yea you're not very bright
How is he not very bright? It makes complete sense. You are a dumbass with an IQ equivalent to a broom.
Yea increasing Gjallarhorn damage is groundbreaking, give this guy an award
You obviously can't comprehend what we are saying. Making it weaker will make 4-5 people in a fire team require it. So the people who dont are shit outta luck. Increasing the damage will make only 1-2 people have so then 5 people without it can get invited too. Thus, making the need for gjallarhorn less. However he also stated it would make the game waaaay easier. It is a problem no matter what!
? You realize my initial thought was "Since lowering damage means more, then increasing the damage should theoretically mean less." But that won't work. I don't even know why I still post in this toxic community. I haven't played this game in probably a couple months. It's people like you with your negative and destructive attitudes that ruin things. This is why we can't have nice things...