This post is meant for a clear headed discussion over the Upcoming nerf to this rocket launcher. Let's review the facts.
[u]What bungie is doing to gally:[/u] they're reducing the damage of the Wolfpack rounds. Exactly how much they're reducing the damage is unknown, they didn't specify.
It could be 10% it could be 1%. No one knows. No matter how much they reduce the damage ,however, it will be the strongest rocket launcher in the game. Rockets with cluster bombs simply can't keep up because the cluster bombs fall to the ground which is useless agains airborne targets.
[u]WHY they decided to reduce damage on Wolfpack rounds:[/u] (I'm paraphrasing)
1. they don't want players burning bosses in three seconds.
2. They don't want players being excluded from the game on LFG for the sole reason of not being fortunate enough to own Gally.
If you own gally then you'll understand when I say all it really does is save time. A ten minute boss fight can be ended in 10 seconds or less if everyone has a gally. If you don't have the 10 minutes to spare then you probably shouldn't have logged on in the first place.
It's not so bad when you think about it logically. A few extra minutes here and there won't kill you. You probably shouldn't be relying on one weapon that much anyway but that's just my opinion. What's yours?
people shouldn't have excluded others and this wouldn't have happened