You’re absolutely correct. As I stated in my post, my plan of action is childish. It’s also petty and spiteful. Much like the way Bungie - in my opinion - has been treating the community since day one (and not just in relation to weapon balancing). There are numerous ways Bungie could’ve addressed the “Gjallahorn problem”; increased drop rates, optional matchmaking, in-game lfg to name but a few. Instead they seemingly chose the cheap and lazy option of nerfing it in the misguided belief that it would change the attitudes of the “must have Gally” brigade. What they are actually doing is penalising the entire community while doing nothing to promote inclusiveness. But this isn’t really about Gally.
Pulse rifles: Bungie buffed them because no-one was using them, a few were considered by some to be OP, so now they’re all being nerfed back to oblivion.
Hand cannons: A large section of the PvP community wanted Thorn nerfed and TLW glitch fixed. Bungie nerf all hand cannons for both PvP and PvE while apparently giving both Thorn and TLW a buff. But I’m sure we’ll still be able to counter Thorn’s soon to be stacking DoT effect with Red Dea……oh, wait, pulse rifle. Wtg with the joined up thinking Bungie. And lols to anyone who ascended their Devil You Don’t.
Shotguns: Most of the complaints about shotguns were in relation to blink/shotgun usage in PvP. Bungie does nothing to address this and nerfs shotguns for PvE. For killing bosses too quickly.
Ice Breaker: This has to be one of the most asinine decisions Bungie have ever made. Despite the damage caused to this weapon by previous nerfs they’ve gone after it again because they want to “amplify the tension by increasing recharge time”. What tension? Most people I know either use Black Hammer for its superior impact and stability or switch to a scout rifle while IB recharges.
Black Hammer: Nerfed. For killing bosses too quickly. Well, at least I’ll be able to get rid of the mountain of secondary ammo cluttering up my vault.
Gjallahorn: Nerfed. Not because of the elitist attitude of a few – the comments about inclusiveness are just bait to distract the rabid wolves from the truth (and didn’t that work well?) – but because, like shotguns, IB and BH, it kills bosses too quickly and too efficiently thus decreasing the amount of time we’re spending on end-game activities.
Many people have taken the time and effort to post on the forums suggestions for improving weapon balance, game play and inclusiveness. Bungie’s response has been largely to ignore them or pick the worst possible solution (e.g. no optional matchmaking in the weekly). The long-term success of this franchise (certainly in regards to the PvE aspect of the game) depends largely on the willingness of the community to do what Bungie refuses to do in helping new and inexperienced players gain access to end game content. But instead of engaging with the community in a mutually beneficial manner Bungie chooses to abuse our goodwill while attempting to micromanage every aspect of our gameplay and artificially increasing the duration of the bullet-sponge boss fights. So, if we can’t have an open and honest debate with Bungie, what options remain to us? Perhaps if enough people refused to help people not on their friend lists, refused to do PoE until they introduced non-transferable checkpoints and decent rewards, refused to play how Bungie want us to play, then maybe they’ll actually do something to improve accessibility, gameplay and all the other issues that actually matter to the community.
And just out of curiosity, if you only play with friends on your list then why do you care whether I help people or not?
This post was amazing. And I have the EXACT same feelings towards this weapon update as well
Believe it or not, I think you have a lot of great points in your rather long winded response (though I prefer that over a short childish rant filled with expletives which is rather dull and expected from most people on here.) As should have been obvious from my sarcastic message, I don't care what you do, and I was trolling to see what kind of response I got; and was actually pleasantly surprised. I already play far less due to many of the reasons you've pointed out, and moved on to playing other great games like Witcher 3 and FFXIV (since everyone has different tastes, I'm sure what you and others consider good games will vary). I don't need to post a rant on here to make myself heard (since Bungie obviously already ignores it). I haven't pre-ordered TTK, as I'll wait to see the full details before I do that. I'm lucky if I play one or two days a week now (up until about a month ago I played every day, I have 6 characters, and 1000+ hours in the game). The only sound that the deaf ears of companies hear is the cha-ching of money (or lack thereof) and time spent on their product. Obviously I don't agree with your arguments for all of the weapons you stated above, but everyone has a different point of view on those things. The fact is that every game since [b]ever[/b] that came out as an online game has had weapon balancing. This was going to happen, but as you stated, Bungie has found some fairly asinine ways to go about it. Despite my amount of hours in the game I only play for fun and not any form of competitiveness (yes, I hate PVP), and I have plenty of friends to play with, so these weapons nerfs will likely barely be noticed by me anyway. Though in a slight defense to Bungie, since 99.9% of the people on this forum do nothing but bitch about everything, all the time, for any reason, I can't say I blame Bungie for ignoring them. This community is full of a bunch of elitists, entitled children, and wannabes; and if it wasn't for the sheer amusement of watching people make asses of themselves on this forum constantly I can't see any other reason why they haven't shut forums down for all the usefulness it actually has... Regardless, good luck on your own personal crusade. Personally I don't think its worth the effort. I'll just play other games.
Yes, I did get that you were baiting me - your reply was too well thought out to be the usual troll post, just thought I'd give a friendly nudge in response:-p I was expecting a lot of abuse from the fan boys though, guess it must be their day off. I'm pretty much where you're at with regards to playing Destiny. I'm only on a couple of times a week now and then it's either for clan activities or to help out some random who's messaged me because, frankly, there's nothing left to do. Otherwise I'm playing Dragon Age and will be playing ESO soon (kinda looking forward to the FF7 reboot though). As for TTK, if I buy it at all it'll be a used copy of the Legendary Edition; Bungie've got enough money out of me. I'm not a big fan of PvP either and I'm certainly not very good at it. I do, however, understand their frustrations and refuse to jump on the PvP vs PvE bandwagon; both aspects of the game are broken and until the infighting stops and both sections of the community unite against Bungie its going to stay that way. I'm not opposed to weapon balancing either - there's a real need for it in this game. Unfortunately, Bungie seem incapable of approaching the issue in a rational and reasoned manner and just end up pushing people into relying on the latest OP weapons. Maybe before they finalise these updates they should have volunteers from the community test them in game play and see how they work for the people who actually play the game. Happily, this update isn't going to have much of a negative effect on me; I'm very versatile in my use of weapons, have a wide and varied selection and I don't rely on any crutch weapons. I'm also looking forward to introducing the post TDB players to my Shadow Price;-) You're absolutely correct about the forums too - I usually entertain myself during my breaks at work reading them. But I do believe that a lot of the ranting is borne out of frustration at Bungie's disdain for the community and the way a game with so much potential has been squandered. I also know that my crusade won't make a blind bit of difference, but they've been trolling me for the last ten months so its only fair I return the compliment. Maybe I'll un-mute Deej and start posting my own weekly updates on Bungies epic failures to address the issues that matter to the community on his "welcome to the forums" post (assuming it;s still there). Just a thought.