Because the fatebringer perks can b found on most legendaries. Just not on handcannon. Making it unique but the perks aren't better than exotics. That white nail perk is on one gun. And no where in its description does it say it wasn't gonna take ammo from your total. It was broken. Bungie said that a long time ago.
FYI, venation is not better than dregs promise. Found verdict is not better than invective, lord of wolves or 4th horsemen. Felwinters shoots so slow it's only good in pvp.
And every legendary gun u mentioned has perks that u can get on any legendary. White nail is only on black hammer. Keep trying tho
When did they say it was broken? You keep making this claim but you don't provide a source. Also it's nice how you completely ignored my examples legendary weapoms that are better than exotics. Whatever though. So fatebringer doesn't get nerfed cause other weapoms can get its perks? And blackhammer being unique means it must be nerfed? F*ck outta here.
Provide a source? Did u not know they said that? It's old news. Sounds like u need to so some research. I ain't your daddy. Go look it up
Way to back up your argument. You have zero credibility. I say to show a source and you say "you do it". Mmmhmm.
It's old news. I don't give a shit what u think. Try be a man and do something for yourself.