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Edited by tribal673: 7/18/2015 12:37:59 AM

Xûr issue this week

Simply feedback, but bungiehelp has officially stated that they can't "safely" alter Xûr and that he'll be back next week. Honestly, it's looking like this game is falling apart to me, given recent announcements, and consistent bugs. My opinion, they really need to iron out this game carefully if they want to save it, present their ideas to the community before implementing them, and (I'm sure this will catch some flack for this) postpone the release of The Taken King. Before anyone flies of the handle, allow me to state my case. Given all the problems we've seen recently with Destiny, I believe it would be wise to go through eff getting pertaining to this release with a fine tooth comb. Yes, it means we would have to wait longer, and yes, Bungie would have to wait to collect their money, but I believe it would be worth the added wait if it means a more stable DLC, and a more acceptable nerf update. But what do you think Guardians? Would you be willing to wait if it meant a better experience? And how do you think Bungie will repay our loyalty through this error with Xûr? Or will they at all?

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