originally posted in:Community Carnage
[quote]This weeks game is [i]Halo: Reach[/i] on the Xbox 360, and will be played on [b]Sunday[/b], July 19th at 1pm Bungie time. (4PM EST, 9PM GMT)[/quote]
[quote][b]Updates will be posted here.[/b]
Red Team has won this week's point! This brings the overall score to 4 Red, 1 Blue, 2 Ties/Nil![/quote]
[b]The lobby size is 16, with 8 slots going to going to each team. To sign up, post your gamertag and your team. (Red or Blue.)[/b]
Be ready fifteen minutes in advance, and immediately accept the invitation. It's first come, first serve. We will not wait. The first team to win three out of the planned five rounds will win the point for this week. We'll finish up with casual games.
[quote]This is a Carnage Event run by the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Detail?groupId=40240]Bungie Summer League[/url], a branch of [url=https://www.bungie.net/7_The-Community-Carnage/en/Groups/Detail?groupId=15287]The Community Carnage[/url]. This is a more competitive (But still fun!) variation of the standard Community Carnage model.[/quote]
[quote]Their is no obligation to play through the season once you've joined, and you can join at any point over the summer.[/quote]
[quote][b]SPECIAL NOTE: This Carnage is on Sunday, NOT SATURDAY like we normally do. This is so people who can not normally play are given the opportunity to participate.[/b][/quote]
It was fun, sorry I left.
Red Team has won Round 4 and this week's point!
Round 3 has gone to Red Team!
Round 2 is a tie!
Red Team has won Round 1!
Alright, here are the people who have signed up for today! If you are not on your preferred team you either didn’t tell me which you preferred or told me you didn’t care, as their was a bit of a bias towards Blue Team this week. [quote][b]Red Team:[/b] Bloodylaser LIFES A GGLITCH FunguyV Dark Xedrix addiecore [b]Blue Team:[/b] Astral Landlord Dunbrack Rooney Mechetti VII BryanBFLYin Magiktaco19 [b]Alternates:[/b] Fresh Pancake1 [/quote]
Ah, put me in coach. GT addiecore
Clarification, if someone could: this is now four hours away, right?
Damn! Xbox One [b]needs[/b] to get backwards compatibility for that game!
Should I play?
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 7/19/2015 5:31:30 PMBumped, Liked, Commented on, Subscribed.
Edited by Sapid: 7/18/2015 2:31:14 AMYou smell [spoiler]sign up people[/spoiler]
Alright, Week 7 is here! Hard to believe things are going by so fast. Luckily we still have a few weeks left for BSL this year. Red Team has a small lead, but Blue Team could easily come from behind and maintain their dominance. Exciting! Please leave any bumps under this comment so as not to clutter the thread. See you all in-game.
On vacation.
OH. DAMN. IT'S HAPPENING. Gt: Astral Landlord Blue team fo' life!
Sign me up. Preferably blue team but I'll take any slots. GT: as above (Dark Xedrix if you need a CopyPaste)
Edited by Dunbrack Rooney: 7/19/2015 9:58:42 AMDunbrack Rooney Blue I might have to add you as a friend to join, I have trouble accepting invites but I was able to join my friends lobby the other day using the 'Friend's Lobbies' section, so it is possible.
Need gta 5 anyone wanna license transfer
GT: Bloodylaser Red Team
Might be able to come. GT: Fresh Pancake1
GT: LIFES A GGLITCH Bring your recon and flaming steaks.
Better dead than red! GT: Mechetti VII
Edited by bFLY: 7/18/2015 3:02:53 AMTime to dust off my DMR. I'm in. Gt BryanBFLYin. Blue team baby!
yay last gen <._.>