What is you opinion on what the 2.0 patch, and TTK in general, is missing?
For me, it has to be private matches.
Edit: To everyone giving me shit calling me "stupid" and saying "this was just weapon tuning," have you not seen the July 2nd Weekly Update? https://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update-07022015/en/News/News?aid=13110
It says "New Crucible Modes - including the previously revealed Rift and Mayhem," so no mention of Private Matches, but it could still be a possibility, although unlikely if I'm being honest. :(
I just voiced an opinion of something I'd like to see in Destiny and some of you are acting like complete morons.
Lag Weasels Baboons also, I'd like to see something about... *contacting destiny servers *
OPTIONAL matchmaking for ALL game modes. That is the one thing that will keep me playing. Remember, I want the OPTION so those of you that are adamant it would not work would not be affected by it. Also like to see the comms fixed such that when you launch into a game team comms are activated automatically and if you have a mic attached. You should not have to go punching d-pad or other buttons to get it to work.
Bad juju higher impact buff
Dedicated servers
A diuretic to help compensate for all of the anticipated extra salt post patch.
Fusion rifle buff not nerf
Fixing the dregs promise
Fusion rifle buff in pve
Exploring maybe. I remember when I first saw venus, I imagined ascending stairs inside of a tall building with a fireteam, and busting into a room where random fallen were trying to crack something useful from a lab. Just like, more random mixed up, rewarding patrol stuff.
There is never enough vault space and the last increase before Wolves was just enough for what i had before the new Wolves weapons. What would also be great is more space for weapons and armor on the guardians. Especially with poe and each round possibly requiring different weapons, it is good to have more options on hand.
Kd based matchmaking Only in trials so you can't go into control and purposly die to lower kd And those set with higher kd brackets are more likely to get better loot. Even exotics on the highest teir
Band to those obvious cheaters in trials who we see week in and week out being immune to damage
its only weapon balancing. who knws? maybe next week they could announce private matches!
Thus far, New guns and armor that may be enticing to use.
This was only a weapon balancing announcement. They said they were going to slowly release information as TTK approaches. I wouldn't lose hope yet, in sure they will announce other features they are planning to put in within the 2 months
It said nothing about how trials is broken. All I ask for is teams switch sides every round
Pocket infinity bug fixes.
More vault space
I've been thinking of a cool gamemode where everyone in crucible can choose between the aegis or sword and then awesomeness will happen
Gally for everyone
All supers nerfed for PvP
Sidearm buff. Maybe remove the traveltime alltogether.
It's not the complete patch notes there probably will be more
An actual fix to the broken PvP back bone.
I have to agree with you mate private matches. Also.. Vault space.
Common sense.