The man's nods slowly, his eyes hazy and unfocused, and takes off his jacket. He drops it on the floor in front of you. He then sits there, still in the trance.
He rummages through the coat and skims it for every KAP he can find, he takes other goods from the coat and scatters them through the ground as well to make a mugging look like a more realistic scenario. Satisfied, he tosses the coat aside and turns to the man and smiles. "Go back to sleep the way i found you". He puts his coat hood on and his hands in his pockets and begins walking away to the nearest street.
Edited by HickoryHamMike: 7/18/2015 6:42:46 AMThe man suddenly falls out of hypnosis, as well as straight off the bench he sits on and onto the ground. You found 8 KAP-8 pills, which you better take right now because of KAP-8 depravation, a Red Bull cigar, a lighter, and a bag of pork rinds. Nice. You also found a Credit-Card of 800 inside, which you quickly upload into your Tac-Pad.
The headaches kick on like a stampede, he knew it would happen but he underestimated the intensity. He takes the pills he's found in order to alleviate his mind (+8 KAP) and continues walking towards the street and his aches fade. [i]What a town[/i] he thinks to himself as he takes out the liberated Red Bull and opens it with one hand. " 14 more hours " He mumbles to himself, the remaining amount of time he can go without sleep. He remembers the map, as well as a town he wanted to see for himself. [i]To Tokyo Town[/i] he thinks to himself and smiles as he begins to walk with a bit more alacrity. [i]What a town[/i]
((So create a new post for Tokyo Town?))
((ah, no not really, I'll just put [u][b]Curtain[/b][/u] for and end scene from now on. I'd start a new thread for Tokyo Town))
((Thread? Why not just do it in this thread?))
((That's what i meant, mixup))