The headaches kick on like a stampede, he knew it would happen but he underestimated the intensity. He takes the pills he's found in order to alleviate his mind (+8 KAP) and continues walking towards the street and his aches fade. [i]What a town[/i] he thinks to himself as he takes out the liberated Red Bull and opens it with one hand. " 14 more hours " He mumbles to himself, the remaining amount of time he can go without sleep. He remembers the map, as well as a town he wanted to see for himself. [i]To Tokyo Town[/i] he thinks to himself and smiles as he begins to walk with a bit more alacrity. [i]What a town[/i]
((So create a new post for Tokyo Town?))
((ah, no not really, I'll just put [u][b]Curtain[/b][/u] for and end scene from now on. I'd start a new thread for Tokyo Town))
((Thread? Why not just do it in this thread?))
((That's what i meant, mixup))