(courtesy of Randy Smith on Twitter)
Did Bungie intentionally take away the Jellyhorn just to be even more salty about nerfing it? Was this supposed to be sold, or was it Bogus?
The picture was taken by a German player who got into the tower right when Xur came on, but the German player couldn't buy it. Then he got kicked to orbit not long thereafter, goes back and it's gone from Xur's inventory. What do you guys think? True or false proof? Personally I don't care much for Jellyhorn, but I can't speak for those that have wasted month after month of praying to RNGesus for a Jellyhorn, but get the middle finger in return.
If you want, I could come up with similar proof that Xur was going to sell Gally, Thorn, Necrochasm, the Vex and chocolate chip ice cream this week
Nice Photoshop/story.
Lol their is a mythical power called photoshop
Top left corner of the ghorn pic is gold like its maxed so I'm calling BS
Fake, why don't we have a video? Share button would have captured it. Same with Xbox.
An why block out the refresh timer?
Photoshop exists, people. No need to go crazy.
So German player sees Gally on Xur and can't buy it and thinks to snap photo prior to being kicked to orbit but doesn't think to "Xbox/PS4 record that"? Hmmm.
If it were me who took that capture then went to the trouble of uploading it, Bnet would've been my first port of call to interrogate Bungie. I'd like to think that post would be pretty famous by now, yet there's nothing here.
There is also a picture of Xur selling the Thorn floating around. Photoshop is a magical tool.
Nice photoshop
Pretty sure it's fake. There's a photo floating around that's had some forensic voodoo done on it that shows it. To be fair that could also be fake though. What I do know is that plenty of people say they were on at reset yet none of them saw this sooooo. ...
Cool, nobody cares.
Xur doesn't speak crazy gibberish. It's fake.