Icebreaker is more powerful you aren't skilled with a sniper. Your argument is completely invalid for a large amount of the community
Anyway, ignoring your stupidity-wait, no, we're going back to it. You literally just agreed with my argument. Black Hammer can be better than Icebreaker, and that shouldn't happen. I legitimately said that, and your argument was "Black Hammer is better if you're skilled with a sniper." You're literally unable to realize that you're agreeing with me on an obvious fact.
Correct your grammar so your sentence actually makes sense, then we'll talk.
Oh pulling the smartass card eh? Good job. You are so stupid you can't insert an "if" in the sentence. Morons these days... RIP
Yeah, I don't know how you live with yourself, being such a moron. You could've been saying Icebreaker is more powerful and I'm bad with a sniper, but no, putting a comma or an if is so beyond your intelligence.
Btw I have one question...[spoiler]Who was Phone 0.0[/spoiler]
My question exactly
Get level 34 mate. You suck so bad XD
Ah, the ultimate cop-out argument. Even funnier is the fact that I do have a 34.